Discover how to get your *child sleeping through the night in just 7 DAYS or your money back!

*T&C applies. Typically a child who has started solids and over 6 months old would be able to sleep through the night once they have learned healthy sleep habits.


The parenting life you want, the marriage you want, the family that you want is going to be determined by HOW WELL YOUR LITTLE ONE SLEEPS.

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

You are probably here because you have been struggling with these increasingly frustrating but very common sleep problems.

Your Child Is...

  • fighting sleep and bedtime is a constant struggles
  • catnapping 30-45 mins and wake up crying most of the times
  • refusing feeds during the day
  • waking up multiple times at night and you are also exhausted and sleep deprived

Your Child...

  • needs a pacifier in order to fall asleep and stay asleep
  • needs to be rocked, nursed and patted to sleep all the time
  • keeps waking up earlier and earlier in the morning

You already know how tiring, frustrating and stressful this can be for you and you are probably feeling crappy...

Why you should fix your child's sleep problem ASAP?

  • “Babies who don’t sleep well at night consistently perform worse on tests designed to assess memory, emotional control, and organization.”  (Child Development November/December 2010)
  • “Babies who sleep less than 12 hours struggle more to develop cognitive abilities.”  (University of Alberta July 2018)
  • “Studies support a critical and positive role of infant sleep in cognition and physical growth.” (PMC US National Library of Medicine NIH May 2017)
  • “Sleep has been shown to be important for maturation of infants’ brains and consolidation of memories.” (Infant and Child Development 2011)
  • “Babies that sleep more at night have been found to have an ‘easier” temperament, being more approachable, less distractible, and more adaptable.” (Early Human Development 2008)

In Short... if your child isn't sleeping through the night, they are not getting the sleep they need for optimal brain and physical development. You may also find that your child gets easily cranky and fussy.

Here's the good news!

I am going to show you my simple and proven 5 steps system that will get your child sleeping through the night and having good solid restorative naps during the day. It's called the Sleep Baby Sleep program and I have helped thousands of families worldwide just like you.

I will show you how it works!



Get the step-by-step Sleep Baby Sleep Online Video Training to help you implement simple and proven 5 steps system to a better night’s sleep…in just 7 days!


What Do Our Clients Say About Joining Our Sleep Baby Sleep program

Moms Share Heartfelt Stories of Sleep Struggles and Triumph Through the Sleep Baby Sleep Program

Faith, Li Lin, and Sneha on an Emotional Journey from Exhaustion to Empowerment. Discover the Transformative Power of Our Sleep Baby Sleep Program for Tired Moms Seeking Rest and Confidence.

What You’ll Learn Sleep Baby Sleep Online Video Training Program

  • How to gain clarity and know the exact step by step to get your child to sleep well both during the day and night
  • How to achieve your ideal sleep goals for you and your family
  • How to have a clear plan and renewed energy to be the best mommy, wife, daughter, friend and the best version of YOU
  • How to feel happier, more confident and fulfilled as parents knowing you are giving the best start to your child’s life

Your Dream

You want to be able to do your bedtime routine with your child, kiss them goodnight and then put your child to bed. You can leave the room with a peace of mind knowing that your child will be able to sleep through the night until the next morning.

Your child will be very happy to go to sleep when itĘĽs nap time and will be able to nap for more than 1 -2 hours each time. After their nap, your baby will wake up happy and smiling rather than crying.

You want more sleep. With improvements to your baby's sleep comes better for you. Start feeling well rested and kiss goodbye to sleepless nights once and for all.

You want to feel more confident about your childĘĽs daily routine. When you have a structure and schedule, you will be able to distinguish your childĘĽs cries and respond to them better.

Your baby will be much happier overall from well rested nights and days.

You want to create a loving home with a well rested child and well rested parents.

You want to end your bedtime struggles once and for all knowing it wonĘĽt take hours to make your child sleeps.

Your child's appetite will improve a lot after good nap and feeding will be easier once your child is sleeping better.

This doesn’t have to be a dream. It can be your reality too


There’s just one problem with making this dream becoming a reality for you… MOST parents don’t have any idea where to start.

Let me show you what’s inside the Sleep Supernanny Sleep Baby Sleep Program...



You will begin your sleep training journey by preparing your mindset and heart for any sleep challenges you may encounter.

Highlights include:

  • How to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for sleep training
  • How to talk to your spouse and other caregivers building a support system



This is the heart of the sleep program. Here you will learn SG Supernanny’s 5 Simple Steps to Better Night’s Sleep.

You will learn and apply the simple framework that Zoe has been teaching thousands of families to get back their precious sleep. The 5 steps will be explained clearly for you to follow through to get your little one to sleep well and through the night.

Highlights include:

  • Understanding the science of sleep, how important sleep is and discovering your child’s sleep cycle
  • Preparing the ideal sleep environment that’s conducive for your child’s sleep
  • Establishing a schedule that will allow you to know with confidence when to offer naps and feeds
  • Following a sleep plan that works for your child! Implementing self settling techniques that will gradually guide your baby to independent sleep by weaning off any sleep associations they may have such as using a pacifier, feeding, rocking and patting
  • Understanding the 4 types of crying
  • Nap training



Find out the key sleep tips you need to get your success story and how to lock in these healthy sleep habits for your child for years to come…Sleep regressions? No issues!

What Do Our Clients Say About Joining Our Sleep Baby Sleep program

Real Parents' Hilarious Journey to Peaceful Nights with Sleep Baby Sleep

Buckle Up for Laughs and Tears as Valerie, Thursten, Sabrina, and Kevin Spill the Beans on Escaping Sleep Deprivation. Discover the 5-Step System That Transformed Their Lives.

Why Should I Trust You To Help Me With My Child’s Sleep Issues?

Hi, I’m Zoe.

If you have been struggling to get your little one to sleep and you feel that you are losing your sanity each day with the lack of sleep...


There’s a way to tackle your child’s sleep issue for good—and finally, get some deep, rejuvenating sleep yourself.

Not getting enough sleep isn’t just bad for you but it’s also bad for your baby.

It’s not good for babies because inadequate sleep might affect their growth anddevelopment.

And of course, it’s awful for your health (and sanity)…not to mention your marriage—it’s so hard to be yourself when you’re exhausted, right?

I know because I’ve gone through this myself…with 4 kids!

But I had to learn the hard way…when I first had my twins, I was really struggling to get them to sleep. My husband and I were like walking zombies. I didn’t know how bad the sleep deprivation was starting to affect me emotionally and mentally until I got into a fight with my mother-in-law! I was horrified with myself as the usual well rested me would not have reacted this way. I was not myself at all.

Then one fine day, a lovely neighbour of mine, Vania told me to explore sleep training and with her guidance, I started implementing what I have learned on my twins and voila! It worked and my twins started to sleep well and through the night.

I started a blog about my sleep training journey. And then, other sleep-deprived parents were asking me for help. Before I knew it, my story about helping tired families was featured in “Mother & Baby” Magazine, “Motherhood”, and even The Straits Times”.

Today, my mission is to help as many tired & sleep-deprived’ parents, just like you, claim back your sleep so you too can enjoy your little ones.

I learned from my mistakes I made as a first time mom, connected all the dots and discovered how to get my babies to sleep well and through the night.

So, the HARD TRUTH is that it has taken me lots of trial and error to get to where I am today.

However, my goal is to change that for YOU. I want to take my own struggles and turn them into WINS for you…

Because my business is not just about me. It’s about the people I’m meant to help.

…and that’s where the GOOD NEWS starts for you

I have developed a simple 5 Step System that is proven and effective to getting your child to sleep well and through the night.

My 4 babies including my twins are able to sleep through the night from just 3-4 months old because I fostered healthy sleep habits for them.

I have helped thousands of tired and sleep deprived families get back their precious sleep as well using my simple, proven and effective 5 steps Sleep Baby Sleep Program.

So when you see other babies sleeping so well and falling asleep on their own, it’s not because they have some special sleepy dust.

It’s just because their parents made the decision to sign up and acquire the knowledge to apply what they have learned.


Video Training Series - Step by Step

Access to my private video series that will get your baby and you sleeping. Watch them over and over again!

Bonuses Included

If You Enrol Now! (TOTAL VALUE = $3,021)

Only at $99 SGD

Bonus #1

Sleep Baby Sleep

(Total Value = $30)

My Sleep Baby Sleep eBook is the culmination of all my knowledge, expertise and experience through the years. It has everything you need to know about your baby’s sleep from newborn to toddler stage.

Bonus #2

FAQs and
Troubleshooting Videos

(Total Value = $397

Go through tonnes of FAQs my previous clients have asked and I have answered to plug any gaps in your understanding. These FAQs will help you understand your child’s sleep better and gives you answers that you would never have thought of asking yourself.

Bonus #3

Recorded Coaching
Sessions with Zoe

(Total Value = $1,997)

You will get access to recorded LIVE Coaching Sessions with Zoe. Some of the past and future recordings of Zoe’s group coaching sessions will be uploaded to the course.


Are you ready to kiss goodbye to sleepless nights & finally get your child the good quality sleep he/she deserves?


(0-3 months)

$99 for 30 days access + $15 subscription each month


Limited Time Only

Suitable for parents with newborn



(3-23 months)

$99 for 30 days access + $15 subscription each month


Limited Time Only

Suitable for parents of 3 months old and above



(2-5 years)

$99 for 30 days access + $15 subscription each month


Limited Time Only

For your toddler and preschooler


ULTIMATE 3 in 1 bundle

(0-5 years)

$149 for 30 days access + $15 subscription each month


Limited Time Only

Covers all stages throughout your parenting 0-5



Yes, that's right! I'm absolutely confident that my Sleep Baby Sleep program will help you achieve the results you desire. My personal mission is to help a total of 1 MILLION parents & children around the world, to get the sleep we all deserve!

The risk is all on me alone. If you do not see any improvement in your child's sleep at all, send us an email [email protected] within 30 days requesting a refund.

Show us that you have done the work and we’ll give you a full refund! 



If you have any questions about this program,

you can email me and my team at [email protected]