How Do I Stick to My Baby's Sleep Schedule This Festive Season? [Christmas Special]

With Christmas just around the corner, you must be looking forward to a much-needed break with your loved ones over a hearty dinner or the annual gathering with friends. But while you are...

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Sleep Deprived Parents with Toddler On Their Way To Better Sleep

It’s never too late for Nadya and Jack, my newest clients. They are both professors and parents of two little ones. They have been very sleep deprived for months actually years since their toddler is now 2.5 years old. They also have a 3...

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Confession of a Mom of Four

To all the moms out there, I just want to share that this motherhood journey is never easy. As a wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and more, I have lots of competing interests and I need to learn to balance them all. And that’s really...

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Catnapping No More: Success Story of Mommy Sock Hian and Her 9-Month-Old Baby on Baby Sleep Training

Before I engaged Zoe, my girl was waking up 2-3 times a night. Although we had a fixed sleeping routine, she needed lots of rocking and patting before she fell into deep sleep and was willing to sleep on her own in her cot. Ever so often, my...

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Top 8 Reasons To Sleep Train Your Child

Often I get a lot of potential clients calls and emails and sometimes I don’t hear back from them ever again or sometimes it took them a few weeks or months to decide to engage me because the circumstances became too dire.

If I had the...

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3 Best Sleep Tips For Your Newborn Baby

Do you have a newborn?

Have you been told that it’s too early to teach your newborn how to sleep well?

Did you know I fostered healthy sleep habits for my baby girl from Day 1?

It was the best decision I made for my child. She...

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How to Talk to Your Spouse About Sleep Training If He Doesnā€™t Agree With Itā€¦

In my humble opinion, the parent dealing the night waking the most has more of a vote in what needs to be done.

Quite often, it’s always the mommy who has to deal with the night wakings, the catnapping and a cranky overtired child.


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